Pet Care Card

Guarantee your pet's wellbeing and happiness after you've gone with our Pet Care Card. 

All responsible pet owners know that they need to make sure their four-legged friends will be looked after and cared for if they were to die suddenly. Have you ever wondered "What will happen to my pet after I have gone?" 

We can help:

  • The Pet Care Card is a free service that will guarantee you peace of mind, knowing that your pet's future will be a safe and happy one after your lifetime. 
  • On any one day here at the National Animal Welfare Trust we care for over 500 animals at our five rehoming centres and because we always go the extra mile for the animals in our care, you can be assured that your pet will be safe, warm and loved. 
  • Once your pet is brought to us they will receive a full medical and behavioural assessment in order to get the best forever home for him or her. 
  • We will always endeavour to find a responsible, caring owner to provide your pet with the tender and loving care you currently do. 
  • If, in the unlikely event we can't find your furry friend a home, we will look after them for the rest of their natural life. 

Becoming a card holder couldn't be easier...

Follow these three simple steps:

  • Step one: Complete the application form and return it to us so that we can send you your free Pet Care Card.
  • Step Two: When the Pet Care Card arrives it is a wallet sized card so you can carry it with you.
  • Step Three: Leave instructions in your Will confirming that you would like the National Animal Welfare Trust to look after your pet(s). This is so that there is no confusion about your wishes. The suggested wording is "It is also my wish that the National Animal Welfare Trust care for and rehome any pets I may own at the time of my death". 

And you will never have to worry about the future of your four-legged friend again. 

Please download and complete our application form. Alternatively, you can complete the digital form below.

Pet Care Card Digital Application Form

For any additional pets, please complete the form again.