A couple of weeks ago, our blog post We Need Some-Bunny to Love explained the difficulties rescue charities are currently facing in finding space for an unprecedented amount of homeless and unwanted rabbits.

A few days later, this was further highlighted by a call we received from our friends at the Mayhew. The team had arrived at work to find four bunnies abandoned in a laundry basket and broken carrier. As a rescue charity who cater for cats and dogs, the Mayhew didn’t have the facilities or resources available to help the rabbits, but they obviously couldn’t leave them either.

As soon as the team got the rabbits inside, they safely moved them from the basket and carrier and made them as comfortable as possible within their cattery. Then they urgently had to find space at another rescue centre, with appropriate facilities, which in current circumstances was a lot easier said than done! In a statement they shared with us, they said:

“The rabbits were found on Mayhew’s doorstep one morning and as Mayhew is a relatively small cat and dog rehoming centre, we simply don’t have the space or resources to accommodate them. Rabbits are unique pets and have specific needs to keep them healthy and well; they need a spacious environment with plenty of things to explore and chew”.

“I contacted many London-based charities who I thought could take the rabbits but all had incredibly long waiting lists. Shockingly, one organisation had up to 70 rabbits waiting to come into care. We resorted to looking outside of London, and were so pleased that NAWT Berkshire were able to help. I knew that they had an amazing purpose built set up for rabbits in the middle of the countryside, so they are in the safest of hands”.

Understanding the urgency of the situation, our team at NAWT Berkshire simply couldn’t say no. Despite some staffing shortages at the centre and high demand for rabbit care, the staff were committed to ensuring these rabbits were given the accommodation and care they needed. Thankfully, their newly opened Rabbit World facility offered the perfect solution.

Centre Manager at NAWT Berkshire, Tracy, said:

“It’s always great when rescues can work together. When we were contacted by the Mayhew last week regarding four rabbits left on their doorstep, we of course offered to help. Luckily our new area for Rabbits called ‘’ Rabbit world ‘’provides luxury heated accommodation for its residents alongside an education centre.

Rabbit World was created because we recognised, as a charity, that Rabbits often get overlooked and the accommodation given to them is frequently inadequate. We aim to use this new facility to not only care for rabbits in need but also provide education classes that will help people better understand rabbits and their requirements.

I am pleased to say these rabbits, now named Cherry, Berry, Peach and Pear, are doing very well and I am sure will soon find their forever homes.”

As Tracy says, working alongside other rescue charities, to achieve the best future for pets in need, is something we at NAWT actively encourage and enjoy. By working together and pooling our resources, when necessary, we can make sure that no homeless animal is ever refused help.