NAWT Cornwall Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2022

After the huge success of our 2021 Appeal... we are bringing it back for another year!

NAWT Cornwall Christmas Shoebox Appeal!

Based on feedback from last year we are announcing this early to give those who wish to make up a box (or a few!) as much time as we can to get things together. Put one together yourself, in schools, in your workplace or in your local village... the shoebox appeal brings people together to help our dogs and cats in rescue this Christmas.So what do you do?:
Get your box or boxes
Check out our handy list of items our animals need and love (picture uploaded to this page)
Pop as few or as many in a box as you wish
Mark your box 'dog' or 'cat'
Do your Santa duty and deliver your box to us at our Centre on Wheal Alfred Road this Christmas!

Thank You to all who made a box last year, or whose workplaces made boxes to deliver. Your items, time and thought for us really do make the world of difference.